Balsa CUBE

SKU: 77-505050

Sale price$4.60


Balsa Wood Craft Cubes - sustainably produced balsa wood blocks and cubes. Kiln-dried and non-toxic, these wooden blocks are therefore safe for all woodworking crafts, kids’ activities and pets.

In fact, these balsa cubes are available in 3 useful sizes - 50mm, 75mm and 90mm cubes.

Balsawood is, above all, a natural timber that's easy to work with. As a matter of fact, balsa is perfect for a variety of crafts. It is lightweight, and most importantly, has no harmful tannins, toxins or splinters. Compared to other hardwoods, balsa blocks are easily carved, hand fabricated or machined to shape.

Large or small, thin or thick, narrow or wide, without a doubt, you're likely to find a balsa wood block to suit any project.

  • Wooden bird toys and chews
  • Classroom construction and sensory activities
  • Guiding logical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Timber craft projects
  • Wood carving/ whittling projects
  • Woodworking classes
  • School Projects
  • Décor projects

Balsa Wood Craft Cubes are locally manufactured in Australia. As a matter of fact, Balsacentral uses only premium quality Auszac EcoBalsa - sourced from sustainable plantation-grown timber.

Basically, balsa wood blocks make every craft project a joy!

However, if you need something different for your woodworking project let us know what size block you want and we'll send you a quote.


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